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Letter of Support from Gypsy’s Father

Board of Parole Hearing
PO Box 4036
Sacramento, CA 95812-4036

Dear BPH Commissioner,
I am writing this letter in regards to my daughter’s early release. My daughter’s name is Oxane Taub
During her high school years Oxane was one of the best students in her school. She studied hard and
volunteered in taking care of animals in a small school zoo. Her love to animals is part of all her life. She
had a great talent and passion to foreign languages; by her graduation from high school, she fluently
spoke 4 languages: English, German, Hungarian and Russian. She represented her school in all-Moscow
competition in English language and won, she became the Champion in English among Moscow high
school students.
Oxane is a very selfless person, she is always ready to help people, both to her friends or strangers.
During our first year of immigration when I did not have a job, she supported us financially until we were
able to stand firmly on our own feet.
Oxane has 3 children and is a dedicated mother. She devoted tremendous amount of time and efforts to
her children, so they become decent members of society.
I recommend that Ms Oxane Taub be released from custody so she can reunite with her 3 children who
have suffered greatly due to her lengthy incarceration. She is not a criminal and poses no danger to the

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Victor Chornenky, Ph.D.