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Letter of support from Gypsy’s son Daniel


I’m Daniel Gonzalez Gypsy son. Gypsy really cares about us and has always done everything she can to make us happy. Gypsy always got the most healthy food she could buy at the store for us. She was very loving to us and she was always respectful to everyone. Gypsy tried her best to make sure we were safe and made sure we never did anything that was dangerous. She always defended us against anyone who was being mean to us. She always wanted us to wear a helmet to be safe. Gypsy was very loving to me growing up. She was always very gentle and never hit us. She did her best to try and make us safe and happy. She is a way way better parent in my opinion than any of my friends and all other kids parents I know. Gypsy is a good loving honest person. She always taught us to be honest and she was always honest with us and she doesn’t deserve to die In jail. She was always kind, very loving and compassionate to us growing up. Gypsy would take us to fun Festivals a lot and cool events. Gypsy tried her best to make us happy. She was always kind to us and cared about our well-being. She was very loving and she would never hurt anyone or anything on purpose.

My mother really cares about homeless people. One time she was in the UC Berkeley area she found a homeless man. Who was dying on the street because he was going through a fentanyl detox. It was really hot and he was asking people for water. He was too weak to move. He was asking people for water and they just kept laughing at him. My mom brought him and his dog to our house. We spent a week taking turns getting up in the middle of the night to give him medicine, hot bath and massages. To help him with excruciating pain that he was in. He stayed with us until he was healthy and strong and ready to leave. That was just one example of her kindness

Gypsy has Always been very gentle and kind and always did her best for us. She always tried to help everyone she could. She would always make sure to give homeless people standing on the side of the street some food or money. It makes me sad to see my mom who is such a loving and good person locked in jail and being poisoned. And it’s a lot harder at home because Gypsy isn’t there.

Words cannot express how grateful I am for having her as a mom. Gypsy took us to a festival that was also fun and healing. And she consistently made sure we do meditations and eat
healthy food and she was very loving to us. She also took us to Mexico which was amazing and really fun. Where we met the street kids and she would bring them food and later she paid for a. house on the beach for them to stay next to us and she bought them food and they stopped doing drugs and we’re doing a lot better on the beach. They would have fun and go out to play and check out the beach.

Gypsy would take us to Alameda Beach when it was low tide and it was really fun to play in the shallow puddles that had seaweed and little fishies. We had a lot of fun when Gypsy brought us to Alameda Beach. We would build sand castles and sand walls and wait for the high tide to take down the walls. Which was always super fun and I always looked forward to going to the beach

Gypsy took us to Lake Temescal a lot and we would go swimming and feed the ducks sometimes and sometimes there were little ducklings which was really cute and they would make cute little sounds. We would catch turtles sometimes too.

Gypsy takes us to Ed Jarvis, an amazing healer. She took us to see him on a regular basis since the time we were babies and he was always really kind and nice to be around. Doctor Jarvis is a Chiropractor and a Craniosacral healer. Gypsy took us to see him a lot even when nothing was wrong to make sure that we stayed healthy. His healing sessions are magical. Thanks to doctor Jarvis We have always been incredibly healthy. Even though Doctor Jarviss office is almost a 3 hour drive from us in 1 direction. Gypsy took us to see him on a regular basis because she cares so much about our health. After seeing doctor Jarvis Gypsy took us to the beach near his office in Pacific Grove. It was really cold but had really cool fish, coral, seaweed and colorful crabs, starfish and sea lions. We had a lot of fun visiting Ed Jarvis and going to the beach there. I’m really happy Gypsy took us to him so much.

Gypsy bought us Fun Toys like nerf guns and drones, rc cars and helicopters. She did her best to make us happy. We would play Nerf gun

fights with our neighbors and sometimes at the park which was a lot of fun and at one point she bought us foam swords because we wanted them to do foam sword fighting. We had a lot of fun playing with these fast little RC cars she bought us. We had lots of fun with different toys she bought us

She brought us to the Aquarium and it was really awesome and exciting to go there. We saw all kinds of Colorful fish that looked cool and weird. There were eels, there were jellyfish. I even saw fish that were chilling out on some rocks in their enclosure. They had stuff you could touch and they let you pet the stingrays which was awesome. We saw little penguins there and we saw seals and dolphins. I could go on for a while. We had an amazing time at the aquarium. Monterey aquarium.

Gypsy would take us to the little farm in Tilden and a few times she helped open the bunny box because the lock was left unlocked accidentally. She helped us get into the box and it was so much fun to go in and pet the super soft and adorable little bunnies. They were scared at first but then they calmed down and let us pet them after a little bit. I really enjoyed playing with the bunny’s and going to the farm. It was always fun to check out the piggys and all the ducks and geese there. They had goats and sheep there. We had a lot of fun at the little farm in Tilden.

Gypsy brought us to the Metropolitan museum of art in New York. There was a lot of interesting and cool art and sculptures. There was this really cool looking dripping wax sculpture thing I remember. She also brought us to a museum with a bunch of ancient artifacts and old Knight and Samurai armor and swords. There was also a temple there to and like pots with paintings on them. There was really a lot of really cool stuff there and it was really fun to explore the massive museums.

Gypsy took us to Paris. We spent 2 days at Notre Dame exploring, taking pictures and video. This was about a year before Notredamme burnt down. Notre Dame was absolutely amazing. I feel so blessed that I got to see it before it burnt down.

Gypsy would take us to the ice rink every day and let us ice skate for as long as we wanted normally a few hours till the ice rink closed. We had a great time ice skating at the little ice rink in Alameda. We made friends there and would play games like tag or other stuff. It was a lot of fun throwing Snowballs and having fun on the ice with our friends. We would go there every night and go skating. It was always fun to go there and we made good friends with most of the people that worked there. I’m really happy and really appreciate that my mom took us there so much.

Gypsy took us traveling all over Mexico for months at a time. I really love the Mexican people there always so kind to us. We made friends with an old man named Anselmo. He lived in a small hut a foot away from the water. He took us fishing in his boat. We caught and ate a lot of really nice fish. He taught us how to cast a small round net called Taralla. He had baby chickens and a dozen stray dogs that he fed everyday. Anselmo was such a kind loving person. we will never forget him.

About 10 years ago my mom took us to Ecuador and we spent 3 months living in a tiny indigenous village in the Amazon region. We made friends with the kids in the village and we would played and explored the jungle with them all day. They also had chickens that would chase you. They had the best tasting sugar cane and there were huge sugar cane fields and we would cut some down with the machete and skin it. It was really yummy. They also had these big bean things with sweet white flash. We picked them from trees.

My mother really cares about homeless people. One time she was in the UC Berkeley area she found a homeless man. Who was dying on the street because he was going through a fentanyl detox. It was really hot and he was asking people for water. He was too weak to move. He was asking people for water and they just kept laughing at him. My mom brought him and his dog to our house. We spent a week taking turns getting up in the middle of the night to give him medicine, hot bath and massages. To help him with excruciating pain that he was in. He stayed with us until he was healthy and strong and ready to leave. That was just one example of her kindness

My Mom also really cares about animals. 3 years Ago we rescued 5 dogs from an abusive owner in Mexico. All 5 of those dogs are still living with us. We also rescued a lot of stray cats when we lived in Oakland. We kept all the ones that we couldn’t find new owners for. At one point we had 6 cats. They lived with us for many years.

My sister, my Brother and I really want our mom to come home. While she was in jail. We Prepared and filed a huge amount of legal paperwork for her. I personally Filed Writs of Habeas Corpus in the court of appeals and in the supreme court. We prepared all my mom’s trial exhibits. It took us a few months. We Did everything we possibly could to help our mom come home.

What makes me really worried and sad is that the jail uses BETCO AF79 chemicals to clean there. Those chemicals need a level 4 hazmat suit and you’re not supposed to inhale any of the fumes. One of the ingredients in the BETCO chemical spray was tested on animals and the animals were so damaged by it that they didn’t even test it on humans. It causes all kinds of reproductive damage and is carcinogenic. The chemical is really horrible and need to stop being used in jail. Please look into BETCO AF79. Please let my mom out of jail. It makes me really sad to see her in jail for so long and it’s hard to sleep because I worry she is going to be hurt by someone or is going have an Asthma Attack or get poisoned by Betco af 79. Please let my mom out of jail. She doesn’t deserve to die in jail. She’s a good loving person.