Category Archives: nude parade

September 26, 2015 – Nude In and Parade in the Castro

nude in nude parade 2015

NUDE PARADE – NUDE IN in SAN FRANCISCO – September 26, 2015, Jane Warner Plaza in the Castro – My Naked Truth TV from Gypsy Taub on Vimeo.

Dear body freedom lovers,

OUR PERMIT HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE SFPD!!! We are going to have a fully permitted parade with police escort. Instead of bullying, assaulting, citing and arresting us the SFPD will be escorting us and blocking traffic for us!!!

you are all invited to our very first Valentine’s Nude Love Parade next Saturday, February 13 at noon. The parade will start at Jane Warner Plaza at noon, will march to the City Hall and return back to Jane Warner Plaza.

Please join us the day before Valentine’s to celebrate love in its purest, most natural form! Let’s remind the City of San Francisco that love knows no bounds and obeys no rules. Let’s remind everyone that we are only here today because our parents got naked and made love, that we were all born naked and that we are always naked underneath our clothes. The more we hide from our true selves the more separated we become from ourselves and from each other. True love knows no judgement, no hate, no separation! True self love means accepting yourself fully just the way you are, true self love means being completely free from shame in all its forms including body shame.

Drop the pretense! Drop your pants (or skirts)! Take it off and join our parade! Get fully naked or as bare as you dare!

nude in nude parade 2015

Gypsy Taub

Enjoy the video and the photos from the 2015 Nude In Parade:

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015

nude in nude parade 2015


by Gypsy Taub

Dear body freedom lovers,

Welcome to the very first Valentine’s Nude Love Parade in the history of San Francisco! The Universe really helped us out, along with our lawyers Gill Sperlein and Larry Walters! Thanks to their victory in district court last September the SFPD actually didn’t break the law this time and gave us a parade permit like they were supposed to.
This parade is fully permitted. No one will be cited nor arrested for being nude today.

Let’s hope that Valentine’s Nude Love Parade becomes a long lasting tradition in San Francisco and other cities worldwide!
After all, most of us make love naked! Even the biggest prudes wouldn’t be able to deny that.

Please join us to celebrate love in its purest, most natural form! Let’s remind the City of San Francisco that love knows no bounds and obeys no rules. Let’s remind everyone that we are only here today because our parents got naked and made love, that we were all born naked and that we are always naked underneath our clothes.
When you are naked can you make love to another human being, you can make love to mother nature, to Mother Earth, to the ocean, to the breeze, to the sky, to the stars, to the whole Universe!
When you are naked you can make love with all your senses, with your whole being!

Why is it that we are prohibited from making love to mother nature? We were all created by and are all a part of her. We all came from her and will all return to her at the end of this incarnation.

Why are they calling us criminals for wanting to fully embrace the Universe the way we were created, without any pretense, without any lies and misrepresentations of our true nature?
How did they manage to mind control us into believing that we are inherently ugly and need layers of fabric to cover up our ugliness? How did they manage to indoctrinate us so deeply that even though we all want to be free so many of us are still afraid? How did they manage to pass the nudity ban that will incarcerate you for a year merely for taking off your clothes while the police literally get away with murder.

We have been sentenced to life in prison, the prison of body shame that is. It’s time to revolt, it’s time to break free.
The good news is that ultimately love always wins. The good news is that ultimately progress always wins. The good news is that humanity is going through a major spiritual transformation. We are all waking up to who we truly are and shedding layers of who we are not. That’s where the body freedom movement comes in. It is a part of the global shift of consciousness, of global awakening of the heart, soul, mind and body. Our movement is about the soul more than it is about the body. For body shame imprisons our very soul, it is nothing short of mind control, it is the work of the Devil.

Body shame is also a form of sexual oppression that has been injected into us like a deadly poison by the Catholic Church.
We don’t need some sick pedophile priest to tell us that our genitals are ugly, that we will burn in hell if we masturbate or have sex before marriage. We don’t need to be a part of this Satanic Cult.

They tell us that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. They glorify the idea of a human being getting tortured to death to absolve us from our sins. This is not love of God. This is called human sacrifice. This is called Satanism.

And what about which burning? When any woman who wasn’t 100% conformist was burned at the stake in front of her children? Catholic Church is really a huge Satanic Cult.
Does this shock you? Just think about it for a minute. Just open your mind and think for yourself. I promise – God will not strike you down.
In July of 2014 Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.

Google Kevin Annett for more information.

The same institution that glorifies human sacrifice in the name of God has tortured, raped and brutally murdered millions of innocent people worldwide, has destroyed cultures after cultures, has wiped out almost all forms of spirituality that were based on worshiping nature and loving and celebrating life.

Catholic Church couldn’t stand sexual freedom, they couldn’t stand body freedom, they had no mercy for anyone who held beliefs different from theirs. They destroyed freedom of thought, freedom of expression, sexual freedom. They destroyed women’s rights. They destroyed human rights.

Their deadly toxic ideology is based on nothing but guilt, fear, shame and self-hate. Telling children that they will burn in hell is the worst form of hate speech.
This poison permeates our culture to the core. We need to identify its cancerous tumors that have spread throughout our minds and souls, we need to remove them and heal from them.
We need to learn to truly think for ourselves, to question every statement and every belief that was shoved down our throats by our parents, our society, our government and especially our churches not limited to Catholicism, for there are other huge religious institutions that operate the same way as the Catholic Church.

We need to heal from our self-hate so that we can truly think freely and love freely, so that we can feel our true emotions without shame, so that we can interact with one another without fear of judgement, so that we can truly love and be loved in the most fulfilling and joyous ways.

The City of San Francisco was named after St Francis. He was never officially ordained by the Catholic Church. He was a non-conformist. He preached to lepers and even to animals. He embraced the poor and dedicated his life to humanity. Not everyone knows that St Francis was a nudist. He often preached in the nude.

His famous words were: “I shall go naked to meet my naked Lord” after he stripped down in front of his towns people and threw his clothes to his father who had sued him for using his assets to rebuild a small church.

Our city was named after a nudist. Saint Francis would be proud of us right now. I bet he would gladly join our nude love parade.
It’s Valentine’s weekend. Let’s talk about love.

First comes self-love. For without loving yourself it is impossible to love anyone else. It’s really important to forgive yourself. Once you take full responsibility for your impact and truly forgive yourself, you are free to love others, to grow spiritually, to truly be happy.

True self love means accepting yourself fully just the way you are, it means being completely free from shame in all its forms including body shame.

The more we hide from our true selves the more separated we become from ourselves and from each other. True love knows no judgement, no hate, no separation. The better we can learn to love ourselves, the easier it will be for us to become free from the darkness of the past, from the soul-shattering shame that has imprisoned our hearts for so long.
On this beautiful Valentine’s weekend, let’s celebrate our first victories over the nudity ban! Instead of bullying, assaulting, citing and arresting us the SFPD is going to escort us and block traffic for us. The tide is turning. I want to thank and congratulate all of you! We are winning!

Let’s celebrate love, let’s celebrate it together, let’s celebrate it in all its forms and expressions. Let every day be Valentine’s day!