NUDE WOMEN’S DAY PARADE – Sunday, APRIL 3RD @ 10 am @ Jane Warner Plaza, San Francisco

Nude Women's Day Parade – April 3rd, 2016 – San Francisco from Gypsy Taub on Vimeo.

nude love parade san francisco 2016

nude womens day parade san francisco 2016


Please note that we will need to start 2 hours earlier than usual, at 10 AM! The march begins at 11 am SHARP!

Dear body freedom lovers!

We just got a permit from the SFPD for our Nude Women’s Day Parade this coming Sunday April 3rd. Please come at 10 am to give yourself enough time to get ready, socialize and take pictures. We will start the march at 11 am sharp! Our permit is only 2 and 1/2 hours long so we need to stay organized.

You are all invited to a Nude Parade in honor of International Women’s Day on Sunday, April 3rd @ 10 AM AM at Jane Warner Plaza. Parade will go to City Hall down Market St and back.

ALL ARE WELCOME (women, men and everybody in between)

PARADE ROUTE: Jane Warner Plaza (Market St and Castro St)- rally, then take Market St to 9th St and Larkin, North on Larkin to McAllister, West on McAllister to Polk St, photo shoot in front of City Hall, down Polk St to Market, back to Jane Warner Plaza

The purpose of this event – besides the joy of walking down the street naked – is to support women and to help create an environment where women can feel safe nude in public.

Women are often treated as sex objects and at the same time shamed for wanting sexual freedom. Many men in our society today don’t want to relinquish control over women’s bodies and souls. Many women will shame and attack other women out of ignorance and jealousy. For as long as those attacks are supported by our culture none of us are truly free nor safe.

In our backward society a naked man is usually perceived as a threat, while a naked woman is perceived as a sex object asking to be raped and disrespected. On top of that women are subjected to an enormous amount of pressure to look “perfect” and to conform to some oppressive totalitarian standards that dictate that every woman be anything but herself.

Body freedom for women involves overcoming the obstacles of social prejudice, fear of judgement, fear of perceived violence and personal self hate. It’s about liberating ourselves from the constricting beliefs that were forced on us from infancy and throughout our lives. But once a woman gets enough courage to get nude in public, if it is done in a positive environment, it is truly liberating. From there on a whole new process of personal liberation can unfold. That’s why it is really important for us as a society to examine issues of body shame, issues of oppression of women, issues of sexual violence. It is important to grow and heal and to ultimately create an environment where a nude woman can be safe in public.

We invite you all, nude or dressed or anywhere in between to join our nude rally and parade in honor of International Women’s Day.

Please spread the word!

Post it on your Facebook timeline:

Naked hugs,


This entry was posted in nude parade, nudity ban protests, public nudity events in SF on by .

About Gypsy Taub

I was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist. I love my kids, love music, love to dance, love to travel. My favorite place on this planet is Mexico. I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all. Remember that you are beautiful and that you are always loved.

7 thoughts on “NUDE WOMEN’S DAY PARADE – Sunday, APRIL 3RD @ 10 am @ Jane Warner Plaza, San Francisco

  1. Rick

    Hi all, I’m a 48 year old guy from the Netherlands, and i was watching several comments and pics of the parade, i would love to join someday the parade, but i have to plan my route from advance, due to the distance, i see there is a place you all gather, taking pics and all, i have a question to you all, i have a boner many times a day, would it be provoking walking like that among you guys like that?

  2. Nik

    I follow your activities to promote body freedom via the naktiv announce network. I’m a long time UK nudist and am interested in what others around the world who share my preference to be naked are doing to promote body freedom. I’d like to wish you a very successful nude parade, enjoy it. Any chance to be naked in places we can’t normally be deserves to be taken up and the right to be our natural naked selves should be celebrated, I enjoy the WNBRs for the chance to celebrate body freedom. We’re 1,000s of miles apart but I’ll be there in spirit, nude, in support.

    Have a great nude day.

  3. Phil Roberts

    As a photographer of the human form, I HIGHLY APPLAUD you for having the foresight to have this protest against those who seem to think that the human form is obscene!!! I will DESPERATELY try to be in the CITY to your protest to support you in your endeavor………

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