NUDE San Francisco’s Leather Walk (Sep 20) and the NUDE IN (Sept 26)

NUDE San Francisco’s Leather Walk (Sep 20) and the NUDE IN (Sept 26)

Dear body freedom lovers,

thank you all so much for your continued support and thank you so much to those of you who donated at the last protest and before that.

I am still $99 short of our August payment to Gill Sperlein. I just added $100 of my own money and bought a $500 money order to send to him. We will also need to come up with our September payment. I am really broke right now and really can’t continue making payments out of my own pocket, so please help us keep the lawsuit going. Our lawyers have invested a huge amount of time in our lawsuit while getting paid very little, so please help us make those minimal payments.

Please paypal donations to: gypsytaub(at)gmail or email me if you prefer to send a check directly to Gill or to me.

In this email you will find an update about our lawsuit against the nudity ban, an invitation from Rusty Mills to join a nude march on September 20 and an invitation to join our nude in on Saturday, September 26th at Jane Warner Plaza.

here is an update about our federal lawsuit from Gill Sperlein:

SF Nudity Litigation Update – The Struggle Continues

A group of nude activists including Gypsy Taub and George Davis started litigating against the City’s nudity ban even before the ordinance even went into effect on February 1, 2013.

The Court agreed that the Plaintiffs had properly alleged a claim for selective enforcement because the SFPD has vigorously enforced the statute against Taub and Davis while at the same time they ignored nudity violations that occurred during other more politically connected events. The City settled that claim. However, the settlement does not prevent the City from continuing to enforce the statute in unconstitutional ways.

“In order to change the City’s behavior, we must appeal the other claims,” says the Plaintiffs lawyer, Gill Sperlein. “Although the Court ruled that the ordinance is not unconstitutional on its face, Plaintiffs can still seek redress in the courts if San Francisco enforces the statute in an unconstitutional manner. Although the ordinance allows nudity at permitted parades, SFPD continues to refuse to grant Plaintiffs’ parade permit applications in order to prevent Plaintiffs from using nudity to expressively demonstrate the importance of not being ashamed of one’s body.

Plaintiffs therefore have filed an appeal. Briefs are currently being drafted. The first brief is scheduled for late October. Oral argument is likely to be heard in the middle part of 2016. If successful, the case will be returned (remanded) to the district Court so that the factual record can be developed and a final order issued.

Support body freedom by participating in San Francisco’s Leather Walk, Sept 20

There will be an urban nudist contingent in the Leather Walk parade on September 20 in San Francisco. Registration is free — but you can make a donation if you want to. (Donations support the event itself as well as the AIDS Emergency Fund, and Breast Cancer Emergency Fund). The event features various fetishes such as leather, nudity, S&M, B&D, genital jewelry, and other forms of “kink”. Our contingent, the Fans of Urban Nudism team, of course, focuses mainly on public nudity.

Since this event has a parade permit, San Francisco’s neo-victorian nudity law is suspended for the entire duration of the event — at least from 11:30 a.m. (and quite likely from 10:00 a.m. when registration begins) until the parade ends sometime in the afternoon.

To participate in this event as a member of the Fans of Urban Nudism team, go to the Leather Walk website at…/…/leatherwalk-2015/e53409
and click the blue button “Join a team” near the upper right of the page. Then follow the instructions, which will include registration.

You can also register at the event itself, starting at 10:00 a.m. at 440 Castro Street (a bar located half a block north of Harvey Milk Plaza). Be aware that this may require waiting awhile in line.

The event begins at 11:30 a.m. with entertainment at Jane Warner Plaza (Castro and Market Streets), and the parade starts at 12:15 from Harvey Milk Plaza across the street by the subway station. The parade goes down Market Street and then winds around the South of Market area, ending at the Eagle Bar on Harrison Street.

We can’t guess what the weather will be like, but assume that the pavement on the street will be hot and be prepared to wear something on your feet (flip-flops, at least). If you plan to take public transportation after the parade ends, you should have a garment with you to cover your cock, balls, cunt, and butt during the ride, since the city’s anti-nudity ordinance makes it illegal for these to be visible on public transportation.
Saturday, September 26th at 12 noon at Jane Warner Plaza, San Francisco

We are going to hold out annual nude in the day before Folsom Street Fair. We tried to obtain permits but the SFPD keeps playing mind games and has not given us a permit.
We would love to see you there anyway. There is a good chance that there will not be any police interference. We had a nude protest against forced vaccination last Saturday and the police blatantly ignored us.
Worst case scenario is that they might give us a 5 minute warning and ask us to get covered. You can bring a G-string to put on if they do if you don’t want to be cited. We will have fun no matter what – we always do! I will bring our great signs and we will have a march around Castro.
The nude in was originally organized by Mitch Hightower and Woody Miller.
We hope to see you there!
with love,
Gypsy Taub

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About Gypsy Taub

I was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist. I love my kids, love music, love to dance, love to travel. My favorite place on this planet is Mexico. I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all. Remember that you are beautiful and that you are always loved.

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