Dating Naked presents: Dancing Naked Stunt

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About Gypsy Taub

I was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist. I love my kids, love music, love to dance, love to travel. My favorite place on this planet is Mexico. I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all. Remember that you are beautiful and that you are always loved.

One thought on “Dating Naked presents: Dancing Naked Stunt

  1. david

    this was so much fun and and the best thing is it featured people of all shapes and sizes and different sexual leanings would be great to do this with a bigger group of people like a flash mob and just imagine a group of 10 or 15 ordinary people stripping doing a dance for 30 seconds and then vanishing great fun

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