FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15th @ 2 PM – Dept. 622 in the Civil Court, located at 400 McAllister Street in S.F.

The Appellate Division of the San Francisco Superior Court will hear the appeal in the case of Gypsy Taub who was arrested on the first day of the nudity ban (February 1st/2013) along with 3 other body freedom activists (George Davis, Trey Allen and Dany DeVero). They were found guilty earlier this year even though the arrests were made in violation of the 1st amendment and in violation of the nudity ban itself. According to the San Francisco Police Code Section 154 (the nudity ban) public nudity is punishable by a citation. Instead, the SFPD arrested and detained the nudist activists for an hour which technically constitutes judicial kidnapping under the color of law. In infraction cases arrests can only be made if someone refuses to present their identification to the officer or refuses to sign the citation. On February 1st four people were arrested even though they did present their IDs and were never asked to sign a citation. Besides the above violations the arrests were illegal on the grounds of 1st amendment. All four activists were arrested in the middle of a political protest in front of the SF City Hall. Gypsy Taub was arrested in the middle of her speech while George Davis was arrested minutes after he announced his candidacy for District 8 Supervisor.

A class action lawsuit against the City of San Francisco was filed in Federal court last year. The trial is set for July of 2014.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th @ 12 NOON @ JANE WARNER PLAZA, SF – PROTEST AGAINST THE NUDITY BAN & BODY FREEDOM PARADE– Jane Warner Plaza is located at the intersection of Market & Castro.

IN CASE OF RAIN the protest will be held at the Center for Sex and Culture at 1349 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103.

San Francisco body freedom activists will have a body freedom parade and a protest against the infamous nudity ban. The protest will be documented by a television crew from Germany for one of the biggest reports about nudist for the Saturday prime time program on German TV.

I hope to see you there!

Much love,


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About Gypsy Taub

I was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist. I love my kids, love music, love to dance, love to travel. My favorite place on this planet is Mexico. I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all. Remember that you are beautiful and that you are always loved.


  1. Steven

    Jane Kim can’t say the pledge of allegience, Mayor Lee and Newsom tried to con the public about 8 Washington, St.; drug dealers ply their trade–and the cops have nothing better to do but harass nudists…

    1. Gypsy Taub Post author

      Pledge of allegiance is totally fascist. I personally refuse to do it. I applaud Jane Kim. She did vote against the nudity ban, by the way. I also believe that all drugs should be legal. The worst drug dealers out there are pharmaceutical companies. Mayor Lee and Newsom are corporate tools, you are right. And there are certainly better things for hte police to do than harass nudists. Thank you for your support!

  2. Larry Ullrich

    I really wished I could have known about this ahead of time. Keep me posted! How did this turn out? I am nude at Bay to Breakers. The Government is always telling us what we can and can’t do with our own body’s then they tell us it’s a free country. People wearing certain cloths are offending to me yet they selectively enforce there restrictions on me! Larry

  3. Albert Giesbrecht

    Gypsy, I just read the SFGate story on the protest. I can’t believe the cheek of the reporter who asked your daughter why she didn’t want to take her clothes off! “Asked why not, she replied, “Uh, I don’t want to.”

    I did like the photo of your daughter writing the messages on your body. It must be nice to have supportive children. I promise that one of these days I will join you in your protest (if there are anymore in the future).

    Keep on at keeping on being nude!


    1. Gypsy Taub Post author

      Thank you. I will post something about the protest as soon as I have time to. The protest was a blast! We got arrested and got media coverage by the SF Chronilce and NBC and by GErman documentary/TV film makers.

  4. jovan1984

    One more week! As MLK said, “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all.”

    Let’s face it: laws banning public nudity are unjust laws in ANY state that allows for either breastfeeding or female toplessness, and that is in 48 of the 50 states (only New York allows for public nudity, via SCONY decision on that state’s ERA in 1992). We all have a moral, Christian responsibility to disobey laws that outlaw public nudity.

    Nudist rights are civil rights and the civil right to be nude in public is a feminist issue that should be ignored at our own peril.

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