Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee meeting gets added to the “Disrupt a Government Meeting Naked” video collection by Gypsy Taub

On January 23, 2013 Gypsy Taub disrupted her 4th government meeting naked. She criticized Scott Wiener’s nudity ban and the role of the Democratic Party in selling out America.

Gypsy Taub’s testimony:

Dear members of the Democratic Party, my name is Gypsy Taub.

I am here today to bring to your attention an important issue concerning the Democratic Party.

The word “democracy” originates from the Greek dēmokratía or “rule of the people”. In a true democracy a politician’s job is to represent the people.

On November 20th we all witnessed a blatant violation of the democratic principle by Supervisors Scott Wiener, David Chiu, Malia Cohen, Sean Elsbernd, Mark Farrell and Carmen Chu.
They voted to pass Scott Wieners legislation that criminalizes nudity citywide. This vote was a blow to democracy in San Francisco
It was very clear to everyone that the majority of San Franciscans were against this legislation. According to a Zogby poll 63% of San Francsicans are Ok with public nudity. According to the Bay Area Reporter, at the Committee hearing on Nov 5th exactly 63% of the people spoke out against the nudity ban. Body freedom supporters held 9 protests and rallies against the ban. There was not a single rally in favor of the ban. It was clear as a bell that the vast majority of the people of San Francisco opposed this ban.

Yet Scott Wiener and the 5 corporate Wiener suckers on the board of Supervisors knowingly betrayed the people of San Francisco. These Supervisors are not real democrats. They should be expelled from the Democratic party and transferred to the Republican Party.

On November 20th David Chiu violated the Sunshine Ordinance. He called for a recess as the body freedom protest broke out in the chambers, to make sure that it was censored out of the public record. This is a serious crime and David Chiu needs to be brought to justice.

2 months ago the DCCC meeting was cancelled after we threatened to have a nude protest against Scott Wiener at the meeting. That raises some important questions. Who is behind Scott Wiener and to whom is he such a big asset? Who is his puppet master? And why does the Democratic Party cancel its regular meeting to avoid embarrassing the highly undemocratic and highly unpopular Scott Wiener? Who is running the Democratic party behind the scenes?

Body freedom is a birth right. No one has the right to take it away.

Down with the corporate Wiener suckers!

Long live body freedom! Recall Scott Wiener! Recall David Chiu! Body freedom! Power to the people!

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