My Naked Truth TV – Greg and Walter

I did this interview at the end of Phish festival in Indio, California, called Festival 8, around Halloween time in 2010. Greg runs a charity in Equador to help feed children in extreme poverty. In our interview we talk about our experiences at concerts, Greg talks about his childhood and about how healing it has been for him to meet certain brothers and sisters at similar events. Walter also shares his experiences at the festival. We talk about freedom and our visions for the future. Among other subjects we talk about being spriritually high with and without psychedelics, about contact high and how healing it is to be surrounded by people who know joy and who are concious.

Please visit Greg’s charitable foundation:!/EdensRose?ref=search&sid=100000627572093.1453979784..1

Working to relieve the suffering of the most impoverished and marginalized children in the world through basic needs support programs, and working to end the cycles of poverty through community wide sustainability projects.

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About Gypsy Taub

I was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist. I love my kids, love music, love to dance, love to travel. My favorite place on this planet is Mexico. I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all. Remember that you are beautiful and that you are always loved.

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