Dear friends,

we have been invited to the third annual Wiener Roast where Scott Wiener will be roasted for all the dirty ugly things he has done to destroy San Francisco and its people.

October 23, Friday @ 6 PM · 4096 17th Street San Francisco, CAHere is the Facebook page event. Please share it on your timeline and please email your friends as well:

I also want to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone who donated to the legal fund at the Nude In Parade and by paypal and mail. Thanks to your generosity we almost have enough to cover our October lawyers fee of $500. We are only $77 short for October.
Please paypal donations to, or email me if you need my mailing address or if you wish to send your contribution directly to Gill.
We have reached a settlement with the City where the City agreed to pay almost all the legal fees associated with getting the TRO (temporary restraining order) against the SFPD for the Nude In Parade. That helps a lot because our lawyers spent a whole week working on our case full time. We still need to keep making our monthly payments for the rest of their work as our original case moves through the courts for appeal. I want to thank you all for your invaluable support. I am confident that one way or another we will prevail and our body freedom rights will be restored and strengthened.
I hope to see you all at the Wiener Roast!
with love,