Nudity Ban protest at the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco, November 30, 2012

Please come back later for an article about this rally.


nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

Speech by Rusty Mills:

Why we all should support public nudity
Speech for rally on 2012.11.30 by Rusty Mills
Public nudity benefits everyone, even those who do not personally practice it. And it harms nobody.
Of course, this is just the opposite of what many Americans believe:
• They have been taught that public nudity is sinful, or perverted, or “inappropriate” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
• They have been taught that nudity, or the sight of nudity, permanently damages the minds of children.
• They have been taught to be distressed at the sight of the human body, or even at the sight of the genitalia or milk organs of other animals.
• They have been taught to feel anxiety when they hear certain words that refer to parts of the human body.
Because so many Americans have been taught these things, it is fair to say that America is beset with a taboo against nudity. A taboo is, by definition, a limitation on behavior or thought that is based on irrational or unfounded premises.
The taboo against nudity is irrational. It was invented by religious institutions in order to equate freedom with sin, and thereby control people’s thoughts and feelings. In modern times, other misguided institutions have adopted the nudity taboo by replacing the concept of “sin” with other concepts, like “perversion” or “inappropriateness”. But the irrationality at the core of the taboo remains, regardless of how you dress it up.
Irrational taboos take a toll on people’s ability to think clearly, to solve problems, and to enjoy life without guilt. A mind that embraces a taboo is a mind that has been trained to avoid clear thinking — because if clear thinking were brought to bear on the taboo itself, the taboo would unravel.

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

Is nudity harmful to children?
Research has shown the answer to be “no”. In fact, it has been shown that it is the nudity taboo that harms children. Long-term studies have shown that children brought up in non-nudist families grow up to have emotional problems that nudist families avoid. As young adults, non-nudists have special difficulties with relationships; they commit more anti-social acts, such as theft. These taboo-ridden children often grow up to have anti-nudist families of their own, leading to a cycle of pathological behavior that harms generation after generation.
Public nudity helps to break this socially destructive cycle. When children in repressed families see other people treat nudity casually it makes them aware that body-shame is unnecessary. Public nudity therefore helps to counteract the emotional injuries that are inflicted on children by prudish parents.

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

How does public nudity benefit those who practice it?
Public nudists are happier and think more clearly than anti-nudists. They are liberated from the false concepts and chronic anger and frustration that prudes wallow in.
How does public nudity benefit those who don’t practice it?
Public nudism is a beacon of hope for everyone who has been forced to live under the nudity taboo. With time, exposure to public nudity can help even the most prudish people to shake off the guilt-trip that was laid on them. A few of them will even become liberated themselves and experience the exhilaration that comes from breaking the chains of body-shame.

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

Speech by Ckiara Rose (Ercell Valcina Fleurima)
Mother Nature always wins

There’s nothing perverted about nudity and nothing lewd about sex. It is the natural state of our humanity. Clothes are unnatural yet necessary. And cute — beautiful, even.
I love fashion. Yet remember: clothes don’t make the person — people make clothes and others buy them and the economy flourishes.
Clothes guard us from temperatures and nudity is our natural state. Perverted antiquated attitudes toward sexuality, body awareness and sex come from individuals raised in a shame-based society. “Nature”, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world. “Nature” refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic.
When children see nude people they are not traumatized
Sexual maturity in this country stops at 14 years of age in most people, and their immaturity lies to them, telling them that all else is ‘sick and bad’ and that only their conviction is correct. When children see nude people they are not traumatized, but tickled — and no perversion goes on in their minds.
Adults, on the other hand, equate nudity with every other thing but what it is: a body in its most natural form. What do we teach our offspring — to hate nature? But nature is what we are and is what connects all — on, in and around the planet. In the United States some mothers may be reluctant to even breastfeed, and some people may object to the practice. Talk about self-loathing and unnatural acts and perverted mindsets…

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

The skin you are in is 100% creator made, universe certified
Yet the skin you are in is 100% creator made, universe certified, and completely make you. Have you looked in the mirror lately and said ‘hello’ to your true self? Nudity is about self-acceptance, communing with nature in its purest form, feeling freedom from the mundane world…
Are you being true to yourself?
Nudism has deep individual meaning to each person who practices it. The same goes for those of you who oppose it. Is this because you’ve been conditioned to be clothed? Or is there something that seeing a nude person triggers in you? If so, what is it? Do you judge and make assumptions as to what other people’s actions are, without finding out out first-hand? Sadly, that’s what I’ve seen in my 42 years of life.

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

We live in a constant state of arousal, whether it’s a little bit or a lot!
Our five senses are continually heightened and lowered — be it through sound, taste, sight, smell, touch, or the combination — and this becomes quite a delectable natural feeling. The day we stop having sensual feelings is the day we are dead.
Body freedom, self-expression, sex education — these need to be taught. They are not old wives’ tales, lewd and salacious — that’s so Middle Ages. Individuals are decent or indecent depending on where in the world you happen to be. Yet we can all agree that greed, violence, gender oppression, and dictatorship are obscene. When has seeing someone nude — however it makes one feel — ever caused a greenhouse effect, ozone layer damage, or worldwide genocide?
To the complaining constituents of District 8, if you exist:
When you people moved into the district, this district already had its own culture. You moved into a culture — the culture did not move in on you. How dare you repeat the past offense of invasion, cultural genocide, Constitutional rights violations, and much more! It’s like the indigenous peoples and the colonists, all over again — different in detail, but with the same mentality. We all have a right to live as we choose, especially as nature intended us to live!
Live and let live! Nudity, self-expression, and body freedom form a culture. And it is an unnatural act to ban such a natural state of being.
One more thing: just because you ban it, it’s not the end of the story.
Remain body free; freely express yourself; stay sex-positive and safe! We are not on the planet alone — let’s respect and understand one another. The time for mere tolerance is over — it’s time to understand.

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco

nudity ban protest nov 30 - 2012 - San Francisco