Joyous Expectation

“The Probable becomes possible through the mysterious Alchemy of self-love and joyous expectation.  The possible becomes reality Through the willingness to receive.” – Lazaris


Self love:


The Magic Joy:


the Magic of receiving:

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About Gypsy Taub

I was born and raised in Moscow, the land of Pussy Riot. I live in San Francisco with my 3 kids. I have been an activist for over almost 12 years. Anti-war activist, 911 truther, media activist and now a nudist activist. I love my kids, love music, love to dance, love to travel. My favorite place on this planet is Mexico. I am a psychedelic advocate and healer. Legalization of sacred psychedelic medicine is one of my big dreams along with world peace, a healthy green planet Earth, and abundance for all. Remember that you are beautiful and that you are always loved.

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